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It’s hard enough when you constantly look at your appearance and can’t love yourself. Someone looking in a mirror often highlights all the negative things about themselves and never focuses on the positive. It’s heartbreaking when you can’t love yourself, no matter how hard you try. 

It’s not for attention; it’s not just because we feel like if we say we hate ourselves, someone might say ”no way, you’re amazing!” Obviously, it’s nice to feel like someone thinks you’re better than you think you’re. But it’s that constant fear of waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing someone looking back at you that you’re not in love with. We should all love ourselves and always be kind to our bodies and minds and not feel like we’re constantly battling our looks or our overall confidence.

Mirrors are deceiving; they’re nasty pieces of work that can make an individual feel like they look worse than they do. They’re objects that aren’t divine. Do you ever notice how you can go into a change, look in their slimmer, and then go in another and look super curvy? mirror and apple O room in one obviously, there’s nothing wrong with that? But seeing yourself in two different lights can play on the mind. It’s not only that, but the lighting can play a big part in the way you and your body look. Many of us try to avoid looking in the mirror just because we don’t want to make ourselves feel down, but some of us look in the mirror because we feel like we need to, like we have to because we can’t go out if we’re natural-looking or if we’re not dressed to impress.

An obsession? Yeah, it is. if you feel yourself looking in one every minute of every day, picking out pieces of your body that you dislike, and constantly putting your mind in a vicious cycle, you will never give your body and mind the love it deserves. It’s sad to think that we can’t just look in the mirror and go ”yes, look at me, I look amazing!” If we could, the world would be a better place, social media or mirrors wouldn’t divine us, and we’d give our bodies some loving. It’s nothing to be ashamed of when you don’t love yourself because we’re all known for disliking something about ourselves.”
We look in mirrors because we know others will look present at us; the mirror shows us what people will see on the outside. We look in the mirror and hear the voices that make us feel like we’re not enough, and that’s because we’re not being positive about ourselves. Just because you don’t like certain aspects of yourself doesn’t mean that somebody else could be so jealous of them.

If you are unkind, critical and judgmental towards yourself, you will behave and act in ways that are unkind to yourself. Sometimes, the mirrors are distorted by what our minds can make us look at a different perception of ourselves, so if you look in the mirror and think you’re curvier or you are not divined enough, that can be your mind playing tricks on you, which then leads you to believe it and beat yourself up about it. You might take extreme measures of exercise to make yourself more ‘divined’, or you could go on a restrictive diet in hopes that the mirror will show you a different perception, but in reality, you’re fine, and you didn’t need to change.

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