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Odia Film: Lachhami: A Journey of Hope

In a small village of Jeypore, nestled in the heart of Eastern India, lived a young girl named Lachhami. Her life took a tragic turn when her parents were killed in a Naxal attack, leaving her in deep sorrow. Despite the hardships, Lachhami was determined to pursue her education, believing it was her only path to a better future.

With unwavering resolve, Lachhami walked miles every day to attend school, worked as maid servant in the early hours before setting off on her journey. The road was tough, but her spirit remained unbroken. Her dedication soon made her a beacon of hope in Jeypore, inspiring others with her commitment to learning.

As she grew older, Lachhami faced even greater challenges, from societal pressure to marry early to the financial strain on her grand father as he was the only Bread earner of the family. Yet, she persevered, earning a scholarship to a prestigious college in the city. There, she blossomed into an advocate for child education, determined to bring change to rural communities like hers.

This Durga Puja, the film Lachhami will bring her inspiring story to the big screen. *Story, Screenplay and very well Directed by Jeetu Mishra – a very experieced person in this field, with *beautiful lyrics and music by Nihar Acharya and Dhanraj Khosla*, the film captures the essence of Lachhami’s struggle and triumph. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of education and the resilience of the human spirit.

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