The Pune Police have registered a case on the charges of forgery and criminal conspiracy against IPS officer Bhagyashree Navtake who had headed the investigation into an alleged ₹1,200 crore scam pertaining to Bhaichand Hirachand Raisoni Credit Society, officials said on Wednesday.”
The FIR was filed against Navtake based on a report filed by the Crime Investigation Department (CID) in which procedural lapses were alleged against her when she was leading the Economic Offence Wing (EOW) of Pune.
The incident was reported between November 15, 2020 and 10 November 2022.
A complaint was filed by Nikhil Pingle, deputy commissioner of police (crime) Pune city police, as per instructions received from the state government.
In 2020, three cases were registered in the Bhaichand Hirachand Raisoni Credit Society scam in Alandi, Deccan and Shikrapur police station and combined raids were also conducted at various locations in Jalgaon.
It was alleged that cases were reported hurriedly without the presence of the complainant.
In FIR it is alleged that Navtake by influencing officers from Pimpri Chinchwad and Pune rural police pressured them to register cases.