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Blind belief can be dangerous and harmful, but it can also have some benefits in certain situations:
Blind belief can be dangerous because it can lead to:
Incorrect attitudes: Blind faith can lead to incorrect attitudes, bad choices, and adverse actions.
Wasted resources: Blind faith can lead to people wasting time, energy, and money on worthless rituals.
Health issues: Blind faith can prevent people from seeking treatment and taking preventative health measures.
Blind belief can have some benefits in certain situations, such as:
Easing anxiety: Blind faith in God’s hands can ease anxiety and suffering in the case of dying individuals.
Providing a guideline: Blind faith can be helpful to have when we lack experience and have not yet developed clear, perceptive abilities. 
The worst kind of faith is blind faith—which is believing in something unquestioningly or without discrimination, or choosing to trust against evidence and reasoning.
treasure chest of wisdom and morals that provides the good sense to reduce conflicts. But since the background of the epic is a war setting, these people blindly believe it will create conflict in their home as well. 

Many others perform irrational rituals of sacrificing animals to goddesses simply because their ancestors did so. They do not question why. The same applies to superstitions. Black cats are considered bad luck, while keeping a horseshoe apparently wards off evil. 

Blind faith can be extremely dangerous. It results in incorrect attitudes, bad choices, and adverse actions. In modern times, social media makes it easier to form false beliefs through fake news, which many people, unfortunately, take for real. Our goal is to form good beliefs in order to take our life in the proper direction. So, how can we develop faith that is auspicious and true? 

The basis of good beliefs is correct knowledge. Saint Tulsidas states in the Ramayan: jānen binu na hoi paratïtï, binu paratïtï hoi nahin prïtï ‘Without true knowledge, there cannot be true faith; without true faith, there cannot be true love.’ Thus, knowledge has a pivotal role to play in the journey of life. The Bhagavad Gita states: na hi jñānena sadriśha ˙mpavitramiha vidyate (verse 4.38) 

‘There is nothing as purifying as divine knowledge.’ So, make good knowledge the basis of your beliefs.

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