On May 30, Prime Minister Narendra Modi first offered puja at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu, and at night he sat for a long time at the Maa Parvati Temple, which has a footprint believed to be of the deity on a rock. According to legends, it was on this rock that Goddess Kanyakumari (Parvati) performed meditation for Lord Shiva. Now, a meditation hall known as Dhyana Mandapam is also attached to the memorial for visitors. The Prime Minister sat on meditation in that very area. This is the same rock that Swami Vivekananda sat and meditated on for three days and nights, December 25-27, 1892, and found his mission ahead. He said, “I hit upon a plan”.
Speaking to News18, Shri Kishor Tokekar, All India Joint General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra and Managing Trustee of Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi, said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s approach was unique. It was clear that his meditation was for the betterment and future of India. Swamiji’s meditation was for a mission, and the Prime Minister’s meditation too is for a mission. He sat in Pranayama for a whole hour, and he was very firm during the practice. This clearly proves how dedicated he is to meditation and Pranayama. This was a great experience for us too, as we saw his whole concentration was for our nation.”