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The foremost inquiry a just institution should make is this – are our systems and structures conducive to inclusivity and are women supported in making unconventional choices that may not be socially sanctioned? The Constitution guarantees the choice to opt for the conventional and the unconventional alike. Before we regard any choice as unconventional, wait for the moment to pass. Tomorrow a new future unfolds in re-imagining what it is to be a woman,” said Chief Justice of India Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud at an event today.
CJI gave a keynote address on ‘Equality, Justice, Empowerment’ in an event ‘She Shakti’ organised by News18.

Before beginning his address on the subject, he acknowledged the irony of being a male keynote speaker at an event focused on women-related issues. He said: “The irony of having a man as a keynote speaker for an event focussing on issues facing the women of the country is hardly lost upon anyone; least of all to me. However, issues that concern women today are broader issues facing our society. They will determine the kind of society we envision for the future. Issues of safety, equality of opportunity, dignity and empowerment are not subsets that ought to be discussed in silos. Every one of us in the country has to be a part of this conversation.”

Issuing concerning women are broader issues facing our society

CJI told the audience that conversations such as these are not only about women but about the ability of our systems and social structures to design a more equal and humane society. He said: “Equal participation of women in governance, policy and leadership roles is positively linked to better development outcomes. When we either create or fail to address barriers in the path of women, we are jeopardizing our quest for a better society. Indifference is no longer an option.

Sharing his personal experiences, CJI stated that the perspective that women bring to the table is ‘irreplaceable’.

“No amount of learned wisdom about the world can replace the insights of women who have shattered many a glass ceiling. Some of life’s most valuable lessons that I have absorbed have been from women colleagues and co-workers. I do not attempt to fill those shoes,” CJI added.

Prominent women and their prominent roles in developing our society

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