Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget on 1 February 2025, marking the second budget of the Modi government’s third term and Nirmala Sitharaman’s eighth consecutive budget presentation, including one interim budget.
While the Union Budget itself is always in the spotlight, there’s a pre-budget tradition that garners much attention – the Halwa Ceremony. But what is this ceremony, and why is it so significant?
What Is Halwa Ceremony Before Budget?
The Halwa Ceremony is a pre-budget ritual held by the Finance Ministry of India, usually about 9-10 days before the Union Budget is presented in the Parliament. The ceremony involves the preparation of halwa in a large kadhai (wok) in the Finance Ministry’s kitchen, located in the North Block in New Delhi. The Finance Minister officiates by stirring the halwa and then it is served to the officials and staff members involved in the budget preparation process.
Why Is The Halwa Ceremony Important?
The Halwa Ceremony is more than just a cultural or festive event. The ceremony not only celebrates the hard work before entering the final stage of the Budget preparation process. It symbolizes the start of the lock-in period, which is crucial for ensuring the confidentiality and security of the Union Budget. After the ceremony, all staff members involved in drafting the Budget enter a period where they are quarantined within the Finance Ministry, specifically in the North Block.
This lock-in period involves several measures to ensure that no details about the Budget leak before it is presented in Parliament. The most significant action is the confiscation of mobile phones and other communication devices from the officials. No communication with the outside world is allowed, and the officials are cut off from external access. This stringent process helps maintain secrecy and prevents any unauthorized leak of sensitive information regarding the Budget.
The lock-in period continues until the Budget documents receive approval from the Prime Minister and are ready for printing. The printing of the Budget itself is done in the basement of the North Block, which is a highly secured area, ensuring that no one outside the core team has access to the final drafts before the official Budget announcement.
Historical Significance of the Halwa Ceremony
The Halwa Ceremony has been a part of the Union Budget tradition for many years, though its exact origins remain unclear. However, its importance grew significantly after the Budget leak in 1950, which exposed sensitive details of the Budget before its official release.
Following this incident, the printing press for the Budget was moved from Rashtrapati Bhavan to Minto Road, and eventually, to the North Block basement, where it has remained the permanent printing press for the Budget since 1980.
Budget 2025 – Date, Time, When?
The Union Budget 2025 is scheduled to be presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on 1 February 2025, at 11:00 AM. This will mark another important chapter in the government’s ongoing financial plans and initiatives for the nation. As the second Budget of the Modi government’s third term, the nation will be watching closely for announcements related to economic reforms, growth strategies, and social welfare programs.
Source :jagaran josh