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What are some ways we can help hungry people in our community who have no money or resources and need food right now?

Good to see that people having no money,but have got a big heart.

We really don’t think giving money to beggars can ever be a good option.When nothing in this world comes for free,why should beggars get money by mere sympathy instead of hard work?

We don’t have a fixed pocket money,it varies everytime.All depends on whether our mood flips on with time.But we love helping needy ones.

So we celebrated our birthday with them,have gone through the streets and found a crowd of small children.we went close to them had a short conversation with them,gave some food and clothes and according to our great birthday celebrations are unnecessary when there are people who cannot even afford next meal.After spending an hour with them we asked them “can we leave

So this was our story.This birthday was simple but gave us lot more happiness than any other birthday celebration. When you make someone else smile on your birthday, mean the real happiness, you cannot imagine how much happiness you receive in your heart.Notice the satisfaction one gets by helping someone needy.

And Here are few things that you can do:

1).Help the poor student by giving them your old books.

2).You can let go that extra blanket in your wardrobe, humanity needs it.

3).Have low self esteem, they wish for a better life – leave them feeling valued even if you don’t have a dime to offer, don’t give that awkward look when they ask for money.

4).When travelling somewhere,keep stack of biscuits in your car,many kids ask for money in traffic signals,instead give them biscuits that can feed their hunger.

5) You buy a movie ticket worth Rs.300 at the cinema – the poor doesn’t have such surplus.You can invite them to spend some time with you alone.

Humans are everywhere but only few of them are Humane

So please do help the needy ones

“Few days ago, police arrested eighteen-year-old Man Kumar Sambahamfe alias Bhim for raping a minor girl of Tumewa Rural Municipality, Paanchthar. 

The perpetrator tried to settle the case by taking advantage of the poor financial condition of the victim’s family. While police were busy with their investigation, the supporters of the perpetrator made efforts to convince the victim’s parents to change their statement. 

When the raped girl was getting treatment at a hospital, her parents were offered Rs 5,000 to tell the police that it wasn’t a rape. After learning that two individuals are forcing the victim’s family to take back their complaint, police immediately reached the village and arrested them. Police have filed a separate case against them.

A month ago, police had arrested Kabindra Sundas, 29, on a charge of raping an eleven-year-old girl in the market of Tharpu. The culprit had allegedly raped the girl after assuring her to drop her home in his scooter. After being arrested by police, the alleged rapist tried his best to settle the issue by tempting the parents of the victim. 

These two are just the representative cases of hundreds of such incidents where perpetrators try to escape by taking advantage of the victims’ poverty.  It has been learned that girls from the poor family background are most vulnerable to rapes or other kinds of sexual assaults. In the current fiscal year alone, four cases of rape have been filed in the district. All four are minors and are from poor family.

According to Bishnu Khadka, assistant sub-inspector of District Police Office (DPO), Paanchthar, destitute and girls from underprivileged and marginalized communities are more likely to be the victims of rape.  There are many such cases which don’t come to light as they are settled in the village.

As per the details provided by police, out of 11 rapes filed in the last fiscal year, eight victims were from the Dalit families.”

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