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The Importance of Struggle
Most of us naturally avoid struggle; or worse, attempt to vanquish it in search of peace, and ease.
Without struggle, there is no gain, or transformation. Without struggle, our actions cannot coalesce, to harness the future. Without struggle, life is bland, and rudderless. Without struggle, we remain unprepared to meet the day’s — or life’s — challenges, and whatever magic we may have inside of us, it remains bottled up, untapped.

Struggle is central to our life force, and beauty. Without it, the world is a dull gray.

And yet: most of us are given to naturally avoiding struggle; or worse, spending our lives in an attempt to vanquish it, in search of peace, and ease.

Just look at all the useless sh*t we invent and buy in order to make life easier.

While intuitively all of this may seems sensible, it’s not helpful. Here are some thoughts about why, and reasons to embrace internal and external struggle.

Struggle Empowers Us
There is nothing more empowering than struggle, met. In fact, knowing you have overcome something daunting, difficult, or horrific makes you psychologically…

“There are several key factors that can contribute to why some people struggle more in life while others seem to have an easier time:

Socioeconomic status and access to opportunities – People born into poverty or disadvantaged circumstances often face significant barriers and lack the resources, support systems, and opportunities available to those from more affluent backgrounds. This can make it much harder to get ahead in life.

Innate talents and abilities – Some people are simply born with greater natural talents, intelligence, or physical capabilities that provide advantages in certain areas of life. This can make certain tasks and challenges easier for them.

Family and social support – Strong family units, mentors, and social networks can provide invaluable emotional, financial, and practical support that helps people overcome obstacles. Those without such support structures struggle more.

Life circumstances and chance events – Unforeseen events like illness, accidents, natural disasters, or other misfortunes can derail even the most diligent and capable individuals, while others may simply be luckier.

Grit, determination, and resilience – Certain personality traits like perseverance, optimism, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks can make a big difference in one’s life outcomes.

In the end, a complex interplay of factors – both in and out of one’s control – contribute to these disparities. While some inequalities are unavoidable, society can work to create more equitable access to opportunities that help level the playing field.”

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