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Promising NE model dies of cancer at Delhi .

It’s heartbreaking news, she left too early.
Cancer has claimed another promising NE youth.
Talking to her weeping father on the phone was so painful . Offered Helping Hands deepest condolences.
Me too wept .
Just reassure the broken father to bear the fang of pain….for she will be in heaven with angels and stars with God .
This least we can do is to pray for departed soul .
Helping Hands feel deeply anguished on such tragedy .
Small solace that Helping Hands under AKHIRI AHUTI …we could send her mortal remains to Tripura to be buried in the midst of her loved ones at Tripura.
May her soul rest in peace .

” Whom God loved , dies young.”

Is only solace verse to her grieving loved ones left on behind on earth.

Only my wish to have World Class Cancer Research & Hospital at north east, so that our North Eastern cancer patients need not go out for treatment and die in the cities.

Someday , we will togetherly build it …
Robin Hibu IPS

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