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“Bombay (now Mumbai) was offered as dowry in the marriage alliance between King Charles II of England and Catherine – the sister of the King of Portugal, in the 1600s.”

“Dowry means any property or valuable security given by the bride’s family to the groom as a condition for the marriage. It was widespread in earlier times, with large amounts being given to the groom. Over 350 years ago, dowry was given in a deal between two countries with the brides’ family providing a city/town to the groom. That place was Bombay. The year was 1661. The two countries involved were Portugal and England.

Bombay was then part of an archipelago that the Portuguese had taken control of in 1534. Lands in the region were thereafter leased to their friends at nominal rents. One of their key priorities was to spread Christianity. Trade was limited, and Bombay was an unremarkable place. The Portuguese didn’t help matters. Their ruthless desire to propagate Christianity alienated the local population – thereby hurting conditions for the growth of trade. Time passed gradually under Portuguese rule.”

“Meanwhile, the British were on an expansionary spree. They had considered securing Bombay for decades. A treaty with Portugal was suggested. The process was initiated with vigour when the Portuguese ambassador threw a proposal for a marriage alliance between King Charles II of England and Catherine – the sister of the King of Portugal. The marriage agreement was a detailed document including one Secret Article. Bombay was offered as dowry. But it was not worth much. So more needed to be given. A handsome amount of money was given. Tangiers (the city in Morocco) was thrown in. Tangiers was, however, to be handed over before the marriage. In the Secret Article was the treaty clincher: The King of England would have to help Portugal against the aggressive Dutch and Spanish. Portugal got the defence services of England while the Brits got wealth and newer assets.

A year later, the marriage ceremony materialized. Orders were then given by the Portuguese to implement the handing over of Bombay to the British. On reaching Bombay, the British realized that the size and condition of Bombay looked nothing like what had been portrayed to them. They were terribly disappointed – arguably as disappointed as Catherine would be after seeing the numerous mistresses of Charles.”
: “It was going to get worse with regards to the transfer of Bombay. During the long journey to Bombay, the Portuguese Viceroy had developed a strong dislike for the British. He tried to stall the process of transfer. There was backing from Portuguese leaseholders in Bombay as well to resist the British. The handover was becoming frustrating for the British”

“Eventually in 1665 the possession of Bombay was handed over to the British. The drama doesn’t end with that. According to a research project titled ‘Bombay before the British’, two months later, an official decree arrived from Lisbon ordering the suspension of the transfer indefinitely. But by then the British had made their move occupying Mazgaon and Parel – enjoined to Bombay Island by the time. Then they grabbed Mahim claiming that the island could be easily crossed over from Bombay on foot – and thus was part of the same island.”

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