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Imperative of reviewing past opinions
Truth is a casualty today

Esteemed Journalists are requested to review the views ( articles/ views in TV ) of intellectuals, academicians, journalists, bureaucrats , politicians and other eminent persons on last year budget and say to what extent their views have proved true, realistic.
Now a days, many are reading head lines or views of the ruling class, or their IT cell materials without doing research, in-depth study and giving views .
Some people having huge black money are speaking in favour of the ruling class so that they will not face any problem while accumulating black money. Today, talent, creativity, and knowledge are likely to be ignored while enhancing the political interest of the ruling class will be rewarded. This is destroying research, creative, independent , analytical and critical thinking ability of people.
It is not that if I made a minister,I will solve all problems or fulfill aspirations of people as managing the economy is not an easy thing. But as an intellectual, it is imperative to show where the government is failing or becoming pro- rich. Government spends crores of tax payers money for advertisement. If intellectuals again speak, then who will speak for poor and vulnerable sections of the society.
Politicians will try to retain or gain power but intellectuals and journalists should unravel the truth.
Now the truth is a biggest casualty. Among all professions, teaching and journalism are different where money does not get only priority. Dissemination of true information matters most.
Dr Santosh Kumar Mohapatra

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