Give me good mothers and I will give you good nation” was the quote said by Napoleon Bonaparte.
This quote refers to the importance of women education. Napoleon Bonaparte believed that an educated mother has the capacity to educate her child. Educating the child will create a better citizen for a nation.
Mothers women play an important part in moulding the character of their children. There is a saying in English that the hands that rocks the cradle rules the world. So every woman is a potential mother.
A mother exercises an undeliable influence in the formation of children’s .character and in shaping their future destiny. Lives of many great men of the world show that their greatness was due to their mother’s influence. The things that they learn at home take a firm root in them. And it goes without saying that this learning they get mostly from their mother as they live under her direct supervision and constant care. If a mother fails to bring up her children properly, the mother is held responsible for this failure, not the child. So it can be said that it is a mother who plays a vital role in forming the character and deciding the future of her children. From this point of view an educated mother is an asset and it is more necessary to educated women folk.

Napolean Bonaparte in the 18th Century. Aside from being triumphant in battles and building an empire, Bonaparte laid the foundation for the modern French Education system and created a set of laws, known as the Napoleonic Code which was based on common sense and equality. Even today, his words ring true, especially in the developing world, where nations are still struggling to achieve equality in education. While education for girls has become a strategic development priority globally, we still struggle with it in our country.