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Pleasure of writing
Today, intellectuals,writers and columnists are not enjoying the same respect in society as they were enjoying a few years ago. The reason is that rich and powerful people are now curbing their importance indirectly in invisible way. However, nobody can realise the pleasure that a writer gets after seeing his/ her published materials in news papers, magazine,journals etc.

That is why , despite having various problems including health, I have not stopped writing. Definitely, it is the blessings of seniors and good wishes of others and appreciation of editors/others that has helped me to write uninterruptedly in the last 22 years and around 1700 articles. There is no single month on which I don’t have any publications in news papers.
However, the very purpose of writing above is to tell the pleasure that I derive from writings .
Except certain circumstances, usually, we don’t know which day, the article will be published. But ,I got a call early in the morning while I was sleeping on the day of publication . But , I receive all the calls and reply too. If I fail to receive a call, I make a call back. Many try to speak for longer times. Many appreciate it , while some criticize too when my views go against their political ideology.
Apart from many eminent persons, intellectuals, many friends of my school and colleges relations and teachers telephone too. Common people also telephone me too. First, they ascertain whether Iam same person.
Today, one of my lady teachers who had taught me in UP school in the village has telephoned me. First,she ascertained my identity,then told me about her. Further, by talking to different sections of society, heterogeneous groups I get the chance to know about society more and the nature of human beings.
Dr Santosh Kumar Mohapatra

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