Hibiscus rosa-sinensis commonly known as Hibiscus folwer is admired for its beautiful blossom & usually planted for ornamental purpose. This perennial shrub can grows approx. upto 8ft and is well suited with the climatic and soil conditions of North-Eastern states.
The medicinal properties of this plant is made use of by some communities to treat different ailments.
Hair Care with its flower gives amazing results and I suspect some of you may even want to thank me later for sharing this wonderful hair care formulationЁЯШБ
How to prepare & apply:
Collect 5/6 flower (in case flower not available in plenty, collect 2 flowers & few leafs).
Pound with mortar & pestle to form a fine paste.
Next, cut half an onion to pieces, pound it, and squeeze extract to the paste
Mix uniformly
Apply and massage the paste gently on the scalp
Leave paste for 30 minutes before washing off/bathing
Hibiscus flower contains nutrients & vitamins for the hair follicle and this promotes growth of healthy hair & prevent hair falling
Graying of hair is prevented or even reversed(melanin production is maintained)
Blood circulation is improved and promotes growth of lustrous dark thick shiny hairs
How many times to apply:
3/4 times a week till flowering season lasts
Caution: stop application if any allergy