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Google Celebrates Israel Municipal Elections yesterday with Ballot Box Doodle

On Tuesday, February 27, Google Doodle unveiled a special illustration to commemorate the Israel Municipal Elections Day. The doodle features a prominent ballot box adorned with the Israeli flag, symbolizing the democratic process of voting. In the background, the word ‘Google’ is displayed, albeit partially obscured by the foregrounded ballot box.

This doodle was specifically tailored for Israeli users, reflecting Google’s celebration of the democratic exercise within the country.

More than seven million people are eligible to cast ballots in the local elections for mayors or local council heads across 197 municipal authorities and 44 local councils.

A significant total of 7,190,920 voters are projected to partake in 75 cities, with the opportunity to submit two separate ballots: one for the head of the council and the other for a council slate.

The extensive electoral landscape involves a substantial number of candidates, totalling 24,910, who are vying for positions on 4,500 party slates. Notably, among the candidates for mayor, 83 are women, reflecting a diversity of representation.

However, it’s important to note that elections in certain areas near Gaza and those sharing borders with Lebanon are slated for a later date, specifically November 19, due to security concerns. Consequently, approximately 180,000 citizens residing in these regions will not participate in the current election cycle. Several Israelis have been displaced due to hostilities in the areas.

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