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There are different theories about the origin of the soul, but the soul is often considered to be the spiritual part of a human, separate from the body:
Soul creationism: God creates each soul directly, either at conception or later.
Traducianism: The soul comes from the parents through natural generation.
Preexistence theory: The soul exists before conception. 

The Greek words for “spirit” and “soul” are sometimes distinguished in scripture. The soul is often said to include the mind, will, and emotions, while the spirit is said to be the part that connects with the spiritual realm. 
The body pertains to the senses (touch, smell, sight. etc), souls have passions and emotions and will: spirit does not do any of those things.
Our spirits died at the fall and that’s the aspect of man that needs regeneration to commune with God. Without it, we are lost and merely natural men.
The tri-partite nature of man reflects the tri-partite nature of God. God is trinity therefore man is trinity.
We must have a component that differentiates us from animals: that is our spirit.
What’s important is the soul and the spirit: the flesh is corrupt and evil.
God is spirit and cannot commune with the physical world if it were not for the spirit and soul of humans. The teaching allows us to have a God that can deal with us fleshly beings. This is why when we die both our souls and spirits depart to be with the Lord to get a spiritual body but our fleshly bodies remain behind.
To remain sinless and yet human, he must have a human body and human soul but his spirit must be pure. This is why, as God, he came as a human with a body, a soul, and the Holy Spirit as his spirit.”

If you want to be a right gentleman, means according to your position… If you are a brāhmaṇa, you should act as a brāhmaṇa; if you are a kṣatriya, you should act as a kṣatriya; if you are a vaiśya, you act as a vaiśya; and if you are none of them, then you are a śūdra. In this way, if we live like a gentleman, then we can make progress further in spiritual advancement.
So these anarthas will increase as long as we are godless rascals and demons. Therefore here it is suggested, anartha upaśamaṁ sākṣād bhakti-yogam adhokṣaje. whimsically, as we like, yaḥ śāstra-vidhim utsṛjya vartate kāma-kārataḥ (BG 16.23), whatever we like, and others engaged, “Yes, whatever you do, it is right,” yata mata tata patha, this is rascaldom. No, you must act according to the śāstra.

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