The Hidden Power And Importance Of Patience In Life: The Secret Weapon -Dr Himansu mishra

The Hidden Power And Importance Of Patience In Life: The Secret WeaponIn a world that thrives on immediacy and rapid results, the hidden power and importance of patience often go…

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For every cause, there is an equal, opposite effect. The effect then becomes a cause of one or several subsequent effects.fact shows Based on karma the unseen,

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”For every cause, there is an equal, opposite effect. The effect then becomes a cause of one or several subsequent effects.…

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Today most amazing thing is that many people know what is right and wrong but take the side of wrong . Dr santosh kumar mohapatra

According to Yudhisthira, the most amazing thing is that even though every day one sees countless living entities dying, he still acts and thinks as if he will live forever.But…

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हम अपनी इंद्रियों पर नियंत्रित कैसे पा सकते हैं? इंद्रियों का राजा मन है मन पर नियंत्रण प्राप्त करते साथ इंद्रियों पर भी नियंत्रण प्राप्त हो जाता है। मन पर नियंत्रण प्राप्त करने की अनेकों विधियां हैं जिन्हें आध्यात्मिक साधना कहा जाता है जैसे ध्यान,जप, तप,भजन,सेवा इत्यादि।धन वैभव की तृष्णा उत्तरोत्तर बढ़ती ही जाती है, गरीब समझता है लखपति सुखी है, लखपति समझता है कि करोड़पति आनन्द में है, किन्तु वास्तव में सुखी कोई नहीं हैं।

हम अपनी इंद्रियों पर नियंत्रित कैसे पा सकते हैं? इंद्रियों का राजा मन है मन पर नियंत्रण प्राप्त करते साथ इंद्रियों पर भी नियंत्रण प्राप्त हो जाता है। मन पर…

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Early humans spent most of their time in forest and among the trees.there early footwear was….

The idea that early humans spent most of their time in and among trees has been boosted by evidence from a cave site in South Africa. This contradicts the standard…

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Founder and Working Director, TRUST - a Science and Environment Lover OrganizationPh. 8249775817 E-mail : Introduction In the 21st century, two of the most pressing global challenges are climate…

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Do you know The human brain finishes developing and also maturing in the age 60′ and the rate of shrinkage increases after age 60.

Although the brain stops growing in size by early adolescence, the teen years are all about fine-tuning how the brain works. The brain finishes developing and maturing in the age…

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Don’t forget your team mates.A true story in december 1937

Don't forget your team mates. In December 1937, during a football match at Stamford Bridge in London between Chelsea FC and Charlton FC, the game was abandoned in the 60th…

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Nihar Ranjan AcharyaFounder and Working Director, TRUST - a Science and Environment Lover OrganizationPh. 8249775817 E-mail : In the bustling symphony of life, there exists a silent, steadfast presence…

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The Importance of Struggle.Struggle is central to our life force, and beauty. Without it, the world is a dull gray.

The Importance of StruggleMost of us naturally avoid struggle; or worse, attempt to vanquish it in search of peace, and ease. Without struggle, there is no gain, or transformation. Without…

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