ନୂଆପଡ଼ା ହେବ ନକ୍ସଲମୁକ୍ତ.

ନୂଆପଡ଼ାରେ ଅପରେସନ ଏଡିଜି ଅମିତାଭ ଠାକୁରନକ୍ସଲପ୍ରବଣ ସୁନାବେଡ଼ା ଓ ଜାମଗାଁ ପରିଦର୍ଶନ ପରେ ସୂଚନା.ନୂଆପଡ଼ା ଜିଲ୍ଲାକୁ ନକ୍ସଲମୁକ୍ତ କରାଯିବ: ଅମିତାଭଏଥିପାଇଁ ଛତିଶଗଡ଼ ସୀମା ପୋଲିସ ସହ କଥାବାର୍ତ୍ତା ସରିଛି.ନକ୍ସଲ ଦମନ ଅଭିଯାନକୁ ଆହୁରି ସୁଦୃଢ଼ କରାଯିବ: ଅମିତାଭ.

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Odisha hon’ble chief minister mr nabin pattnaiak inagurate the convention hall of IMA at cuttack. Odisha

Speech of chief minister at the inauguration of the new building of Indian Medical Association state branch at Cuttack today President of IMA Odisha Prof. Ray,Hon’ble MLA Shri BiswalOffice Bearers…

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Turkey nationals demand NDRF Jersey with Indian Flag badge as ‘Operation Dost’ concludes.
The bulletless war u win by either winning over people or by killing the WILL of people
Superpower choice is to kill WILL of People
Vishwaguru way is to win people by adding value

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8th EURO -ASIA International WFSKO OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP- Surya narayan gouda gets EURO-ASIA international award

I was awarded by REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS ECOLE D'ARTS MARTIAUX DEL'EST for immense contribution in Social work at the 28th EURO -ASIA International WFSKO in presence of Grandmaster Harold Patient(x…

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ସମୟ ର ପ୍ରଭାବ ଜଣେ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି କୁ ରାଜା ରୁ କିପରି ଫକୀର କରେ..ସମୟ

1977 ମସିହାରେ ଲଣ୍ଡନ ରେ ଜଣେ ଭାରତୀୟ ବଂଶଜ ଚା. ଜୁଟ ବେପାର କରୁଥିବା ସେଠିଆ ପରିବାର ର ଚତୁର୍ଥ ପୁତ୍ର ରାଜେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସେଠିଆ କିପରି ବାପା ର ବେପାର କୁ ଛାଡି ଜୁଆ କାସିନୋ ପାଣିଜାହାଜ ରେ ପରିବହନ କରି…

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914 New Asst professors and Lecturers Join Odisha Colleges At One Go

Use Technology, Prepare Students for Better Results in National Level Competitive Exams- CM to New Lecturers Bhubaneswar,20th February 2023: As many as 914 Asst professors and lecturers today joined various…

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