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Anger can be productive if directly properly and destructive if directed in the wrong way

How and why irritation and anger triggered in mind. This happens when you try and expect something but the reverse happens or anything happens to the detriment of your interest. The more you try to achieve,the more you face unpleasant things which cause irritation , reaction and anger. Though, all don’t express anger in actions or words but it disturbs everybody ‘s mind. Manifestation of anger is different from person to person. Anger harms body and mind more if you don’t express but supress.
Anger can be utilised in both constructive and destructive ways. If you become stubborn to achieve despite all adverse situations, then you achieve success and do something for society. You will be said to have conquered anger and used anger productivity.If.out of anger , frustration, you give up what you wanted to do then you lose many things and you are defeated and overwhelmed by anger.
Dr Santosh Kumar Mohapatra

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