Is God Hindu, Christian, Islamic or any other religion?
Whatever be the name or form, the religion of God is just Divinity. However, political persons have divided God in the pursuit of vote bank politics. The uneducated people can understand this but the educated people also have similar views which shows that Indian culture is now heading towards decline.
The advent of Christ should not be celebrated only in the spirit of rejoicing. We say it is Merry Christmas. Yes, of course it is true that Christmas is joyous, but it should be a joyous occasion for the soul of the people, not for our senses, not for our social instincts. Let the soul feel that the joyous occasion has come. It will rejoice. Let the soul rejoice, not the hands and feet with their physical dance. That is not real joyousness. The soul of man should rejoice in the grace of God. You have just sung the great song ‘Rejoice in the Lord’. Can you rejoice in the Lord, or are you rejoicing in those passions, idiosyncrasies or weaknesses of human nature which, when fed abundantly, look like joyous occasions? When God comes, man falls asleep. We find this phenomenon even in the New Testament. When the Great Master came, they did not have the patience to wait for Him. They fell asleep. He rebuked them, “Could you not wait for me? The time has come.” What kind of time has come? It is the time of the complete destruction of mortal tendencies and mortal joys born of mortal desires. The death of the personality is the death of all personal desires and the joys associated with them. Therefore, death is abhorrent. Such a thing was adopted by Christ to give us spiritual instruction and mystical warning that to call God into our hearts, to call Him into this world of human history, is to renew the whole of human nature. God can enter only into God. God will not enter into non-God.