International Yoga Day is celebrated today with Ministers, rich, powerful, government officials are found more doing so and getting publicised in media too. Yes, yoga is good and act as a preventive one and should be done regularly under the guidance of Yoga teacher. In higher age doctor should be consulted as one should not do all types of yoga in higher age especially forward bending.

However, it is not just a physical exercise as done by many today. The yoga is not just something to stretch, bend or touch your toes. It is a whole lot more than that. More than mere meditation. Yoga unifies the body, the mind, the soul .
The word ‘yoga’ means to connect, unite or ‘yoke’. The thing we look to connect to is the true Self, also known as the ‘divine essence’, ‘ultimate self’, or atman. You might also think of this as the soul.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refers to 8 limbs of yoga, each of which offers guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. Learn about each one and how to incorporate them into your practice.
According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is an eight-fold path leading to liberation, known as the ‘Ashtanga Yoga System’ or ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’ (the word ‘ashta’ means ‘eight’ and ‘anga’ means ‘limb’) .

The ultimate aim 8 limbs of yoga/ Hatha yoga is to reach Samadhi, a higher state of consciousness. In order to purify the mind, it is necessary for the body to undergo a process of absolute purification in order to remove impurities so the nadis function and the energy blocks are released.
The main objective of Hatha yoga is to create an absolute balance of the interacting activities and processes of the physical body, mind and energy.
When this balance is created, the impulses generated give a call of awakening to the central force (sushumna nadi) which is responsible for the evolution of human consciousness. If Hatha yoga is not used for this purpose, it’s true objective is lost.
Furthermore, Hatha yoga involves a number of steps: Hat karma (purifying practices). Asana (postures), Mudra (finger and hand positions), Pratyahara (sense withdrawal / non-attachment) Pranayama (breath exercises), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (realisation of the true self), Of which the physical practice of asana’s is just one step, whereas this is the main focus of exercise.
Those who were doing before camera are deceiving themselves. Doing yoga requires a good environment, sufficient time, enough space, healthy diet,adequate sleeps, less financial worries/tensions and free from hard physical works, , no night duty. But how many Indians able to have above. Only a few percentages.
The roe of ministers/legislators is not to do Yogas before media but to increase health expenditures and provide free health facilities. They are abdicating their responsibilities by doing Yogas before camera.
Is there any decline of diseases and sick persons since India celebrated Yoga Day. People are more affected by dreaded disease and expenditures towards health has increased manifold since lege has become more prone to tensions excerbated by rampant consumerism.
It does not mean yoga is bad and unnecessary but proper environment is necessary which is missing. A larger section of people are struggling to eke out basic existence and facing problems in each step of life in our exploitative society.
Dr Santosh Kumar Mohapatra