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Even if a woman has not experienced rape or sexual assault, she still might have a reason to fear men. Women frequently deal with violence, danger, and overall unsafety that is most often perpetrated by men. They are also surrounded by the stories of women who have experienced what they fear most
“Why do some claim that all women are afraid of men?
Of course ALL women aren’t afraid of ALL men ALL the time. I’m a little old lady and walk through 99% of my life not especially afraid of anyone.

I remember my dating years clearly. I didn’t meet my husband-to-be until I was 36. There were lots of first dates and mixers and evenings in bars, looking for someone who might become the love of my life. I have pretty good radar, and I never got raped. But I was in situations being alone with a guy I had just met. Sometimes when I drew the line, they ignored me. They just kept putting their hands where I told them not to.

And I was ALWAYS smaller, weaker and slower. These guys finally did listen to me when I told them no. If they hadn’t listened to me, they were physically capable of raping me. They were physically capable of hurting me bad, or even murdering me.

Women are smaller and weaker on average than men. Men can get very angry very quickly, and many men are quick to use force or violence. That’s a fact.

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That’s an exaggeration, but it’s true. A woman always knows that in the back of her mind.

Most women are afraid of men, they feel vulnerable, afraid, insecure around them, uncomfortable, and awkward. Many females can know a man for years and still feel uncomfortable around him, even if he has done nothing wrong, perhaps he’s been nothing but kindhearted and thoughtful, but she will still feel insecure around him no matter how kind and gentle he is, he’s a man and he represents everything that is the opposite of women, or females in general, and he can easily place her in a dangerous situation in which he will have complete control over the situation. Women in general feel defenseless against men, and when they learn of another female rape victim or murder, it makes them even more overprotective. It gets to the point where several men don’t even want to be bothered with women, because if you don’t treat her just right, even a simple argument can land them in prison for several years because the courts, social media, the public will take her side over his in every time, and so you have men as well who are very afraid of women, afraid of what they are capable of doing to them, stabbing them while they sleep, falsely accusing them of rape all because he called her fat or unattractive, and so you have several men who will just use women for sex, prostitutes, and so they view women in the lowest form, then the become misogynistic, possessing a pure hatred towards women, even the sight of them triggers them in complete madness. These days, it is dangerous for a man to be around a female alone, very dangerous, it’s like playing a game of Russian Roulette, If you don’t take her out on Fridays and buy her beers if you don’t compliment her enough, he doesn’t buy her enough clothing if you don’t give her the attention she desires, or perhaps he may call her a name that she doesn’t appreciate if she finds out you’ve been cheating or simply having a conversation with another woman, it can all backfire against him and he could find himself behind bars for a rape he never committed. A man these days would literally need to carry a camera around and have it constantly recording if he intends to be alone with a female, even if he’s out with friends, it’s always good to have a camera recording, or he could end up in a world of trouble just for being kindhearted.”

“Women are smaller and weaker on average than men. Men can get very angry very quickly, and many men are quick to use force or violence. That’s a fact.”

“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That’s an exaggeration, but it’s true. A woman always knows that in the back of her mind.”

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