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Is the phrase “slow and steady” a good thing to be saying?
When you’re working with high speed , or heavy equipment this is the general primary rule of safety, unless you’re in a hurry to get injured, or worse, along with others near you, I haven’t ever worked for an outfit that doesn’t follow this primary common sense rule, of course I care about getting the job done in a timely fashion, but done right or not at all, like the old saying goes if it’s worth doing twice , then it’s worth doing it right the first time, and that doesn’t include sacrificing people’s safety for the sake of expediency ! So yes it’s a good thing to say in the proper circumstances, doesn’t work out well.if you’re a race car driver though ! But even those people follow that rule when necessary , and inside of the car during a race , smooth is the rule , and fast is what the machine does for you !”

Slow and Steady Really Does Win the Race

One of my favourite stories of all time is the hare and tortoise. As a child who loved sports, especially sprinting, I would always question the accuracy of the fable.

I would always tell my teachers that realistically the tortoise would lose in a race every time. And that the hare was way faster than the tortoise could ever be.

As I got older, I understood the moral of the story. Success is not necessarily about how fast you get there. And more often than not, it is those Slow and Steady Really Does Win the Race

Upon reading the story, that is the most obvious lesson you can capture from it. And for the most part, people would agree with this. However, many of us still chase success like the hare. We try to get there as fast as possible with no concern for the journey.

So although we all massively agree that a slower approach is better, we tend to live our lives on the contrary. And part of that is because we did not capture all the lessons we could have learned from this great story.

Fortunately, you have another chance to see the other three lessons you missed whilst listening to this wonderful story.

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