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Religion’ is a private affair

Unlike some rationalists, Iam against all religious fanaticism not alone Hindu’s.

However, altimate objectives of any good person should be the wellbeing of people
Nothing more devides people , society than religion and caste. The existence of so many religions, religious faiths , religious rutuals have caused disintegration, division among people. Various countries are plagued by conflicts, violence based on religious faiths.
Question creeps in my mind: what is necessity of any religion unless it brings peace,appiness and prosperity. Every religion has religious shrines like Temple, Mosque, Church etc. All those spur tourism, economic activities and become source of income of some people. But those simultaneously cause religious conflagration. That is why the state / government/ administration should be neutral to all religious faith especially in a secular country like India. Religion’ should be a purely private affairs and it should not be used for gaining any political dividend or diverting attention of people from gruelling problems plaguing society.
Yes , no harm if temple is built on. But government is involved. Instead of building educational institutions, hospital, why government is building temples. Many schools , college have no minimum teachers. Without money, health facility is an illusion.
Okay, welcome it as it may bring happiness to some people.
But question is: with rise of number of people visiting religious shrines, why number of crimes, suicide, corruption activities are growing if people are getting peace. The politicians who are talking of religion are involved criminal activities and amassing black money, wealth and evading taxes. They are looting us promoting their cronies, enjoying unbridled power, prestige and social recognition and leading cosy life .Uttar Pradesh has highest number of crimes where temple is being built.
Even, consecration ceremony will be held before completion of temple as election is approaching nearer.
Definitely,I will welcome if it will reduce poverty, hunger, unemployment, crimes and end exploitation in society .
But that will never happen. Some are welcoming too for own business motive. Since religion is a private affairs, Sonia Gandhi has rightly denied to attend consecration ceremony of Rama Temple. Some Hindu fundamentalists belive that other religious people should not be allowed to visit temple, then why they ask Somia who is a Christian. I visit temple and practise religious rituals but as a private affair. Others should make it private affairs and prevent politicians to involve directly and derive political mileage.
Dr Santosh Kumar Mohapatra

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