Horrible times for progressive writers
Democracy Shrieveling.
The ruling classes has not only curbed media freedom but has changed readers’ mindset too through its followers and social media.. So good writers are struggling . In the past , supporters of the ruling class were also reading and appreciating articles having critical analysis even if it was against their own / relations.
But now, supporters of ruling class especially at Centre are disliking any information/ news/ articles going against ruling class. Even they are making scurriolous remarks. . Hence, news papers are getting huge readers too for articles that support the ruling class. Now such an environment is created that speaking/ writing anti establishment articles is dubbed as a crime. If writers compete to write in favour of rich/ corporates/ ruling classes, there will be unethical competition as it is highly rewarding. Further one does not require to read, research heavily to write infavour of the ruling class. Just reading headlines is enough. Such a trend will decimate research, inquisitive mentality and analytical ability, independent and critical thinking of people.
Already we are far behind other countries as reflected in World Press Index and global democracy Index. Anything that points out the failures of the ruling class is dubbed as anti-national.
Then there should be no opposition. It means running vehicle without brake. One can easily fathom what will be consequences. Brake is very vital. Progressive people act as a brake.