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Today i.e on 19.01.2024, Smt Bidyutprabha Jena, Principal of Keranga Panchayat Higher Secondary School, Khurdha has been apprehended by Odisha Vigilance while demanding and accepting bribe Rs 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) from the spouse of Asst. Librarian of the said School for transmitting post elevation of pending arrear salary to the competent authority for the period from Jan. 2018 to Feb. 2022 for approval and facilitating release of drawal of the bill in favour of Asst Librarian. Asst Librarian had undergone brain surgery for his ailments and was urgently in need of money. Despite several requests made by the wife of Asst. Librarian, accused Smt. Jena was demanding bribe to get the work done. Finding no other way, the wife of Asst. Librarian lodged complaint with the Vigilance Authority narrating their problems. Today, Smt. Jena while accepting demanded bribe Rs.50, 000/- from the wife of Asst. Librarian was nabbed by the team of Odisha Vigilance. The entire bribe money has been recovered from accused Smt. Jena and seized.

Following the trap, simultaneous searches are going on at two locations of Smt. Jena from DA angle.

In this connection, Bhubaneswar Vigilance PS Case no. 2/2024 u/s 7 PC (Amendment) Act, 2018 has been registered. Investigation is in progress against accused Smt. Jena. Detailed report follows.

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