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CS inaugurates Office of CGGO
Darshan Samikhya, Bhubaneswar
The Chief Secretary of Odisha, Shri Pradeep Kumar Jena, IAS, inaugurated the new office building of Centre for Good Governance, Odisha (CGGO) in the august presence of Shri Raj Kumar Sharma, IAS, Director General of Gopabandhu Academy of Administration (GAA), Bhubaneswar.
Later, the Chief Secretary released the newsletter of Academy, two books on Compilation of Book Reviews; and Similipal Tiger Reserve – Impressions of study visit of OAS Probationers. These publications were prepared by CGGO at GAA. CGGO formerly CoE has been functioning in GAA as a hub of evidence based location specific research and documentation. CGGO has been made as a permanent vertical of GAA.
A manual for institutional induction training of OAS officer trainees prepared by Centurion University of Technology and Management (CUTM) was also released during the event.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Secretary appreciated the newsletter and books produced by CGGO at GAA. He stated the importance of book reviews, write shops, essay writing, etc. to improve upon the perceptive articulation and standard of writing of the officer trainees. While, appreciating the “great work” of CGGO in producing such a high standard coffee table book on Similipal, the Chief Secretary suggested that the probationers should get wide exposure on Climate Change and bio-diversity. He also spoke high about the content and quality of the Academy Newsletter which carries the testimony of various activities of GAA. He suggested CGGO to undertake research and documentation works of various departments and to give independent feedbacks for enhancing quality of governance in the state.
The Chief Secretary admired the prospective vision of current Director General Shri Raj Kumar Sharma and his tireless efforts in taking GAA to new heights. He mentioned Shri Sharma’s innovations and initiatives that include inclusion of mentorship programme, exposure visits, module based training, grand inaugural ceremony at Kalinga Stadium, befitting organisation of Dikshant Samaroh, provisioning blazers with GAA identity to probationers. He also cited Shri Sharma’s leadership in creation of staff positions, collaborations with agencies of national and international repute and extension of infrastructure like two executive hostels with better facilities in GAA.
Shri Sharma, Director General, GAA, expressed his gratefulness to the Chief Secretary for his ideas, perceptions and unwavering support. During his presidential address, he expressed his intention and interest to impart young recruits with right attitude, skills, sensitivities, values and ethics, knowledge and technology awareness along with leadership quality and teamwork mindset. He reiterated his concern for young and budding administrators to build confidence on self, and care for others.
Shri Sharma congratulated CGGO for the new office. He complemented Dr. Shashank Grahacharjya, Director of CGGO and his team for their hard work and committed efforts in bringing out such quality knowledge products. He briefed on each publication. The Director General viewed the newsletter as quite aesthetic and wished for it’s continuity as well as wider dissemination. He emphasized on probationers reading habits for own learning outcomes and perceptions towards their future career through such book reviews. He thanked CUTM and its Dean Prof KVD Prakash for preparing the manual for institutional induction training of OAS Officer Trainees in collaboration with GAA officials. GAA sent OAS probationers on field visit to Similipal to better understand the issues of forest fire, forest management and bio-diversity conservation. The concept of documenting and disseminating the observations of Odisha’s young administrators is an attempt towards that. The fantastic result that has come up as a coffee table book on ‘Similipal Tiger Reserve’ by CGGO is quite nice.
Mr. Sharma mentioned about GAA singing MoUs recently with Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) in New Delhi, CUTM in Bhubaneswar, Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA) in Chandigarh.
Shri Sharma who played pivotal role in establishing the CGGO contemplated that the Centre will continue to contribute in knowledge management on transformative changes and good governance.
Dr. P.K. Mishra, OAS (SS), Deputy Director General delivered welcome address and Dr. H. B. Panda, IOFS, Additional Commissioner offered vote of thanks. Smt. Aradhana Das, Additional Director, and Dr. Mamatarani Naik, OAS, Joint Director, Staff of the Academy, Director CGGO and his team were present on the occasion.

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