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Some important articles related to the Indian Constitution”India is the biggest democratic nation in the world. After over 200 years of colonial rule, several independence movements, the Indian national movement, sectarian bloodshed, and a rich history, our Indian constitution was established on January 26, 1950. The judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government are each given specific roles and obligations outlined in the Constitution. Numerous significant provisions that outline a person’s basic rights, political obligations, and processes may be found in the Indian Constitution. As a result, this essay will assist us in becoming familiar with every significant article of the Indian Constitution.”

Article 1 Union Territory
Article 5 11 Related to Citizenship
Article 12 to 35 Fundamental Rights

Article 36 to 51 Directive Principles of State Policy
Article 39 Respect for Equal Work for Men and Women
Article 39 (a) General Free Education
Article 40 Gram Panchayat
Article 44 Uniform Civil Code

Article 51 International Peace and Security
Article 51 (a) Fundamental Duties
Article 52 President of India
Article 54 Election of President
Article 55 Method of Election of President
Article 60 Oath by President
Article 61 Procedure for Impeachment of President
Article 63 President of India
Article 66 Election of Vice President
Article 69 Oath of Vice President
Article 72 Appeal by President
Article 74 President to consult the Council of Ministers
Article 75 Appointment of Prime Minister
Article 76 Attorney General of India
Article 78 Duties of Prime Minister
Article 79 Constitution of Parliament
Article 80 Constitution of Rajya Sabha
Article 81 Composition of Lok Sabha
Article 84 Qualification of Member of Parliament
Article 85 Dissolution of Parliament
Article 86 President to address Members
Article 87 President’s special speech
Article 89 Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Article 100 Quorum
Article 110 Money Bill
Article 112 Annual Financial Distribution Centre
Article 123 Power of President to issue ordinances by Parliament
Article 124 Establishment of Supreme Court
Article 139 Supreme Court to be a court of record
Article 143 Power of President to consult the Supreme Court
Article 148 Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Article 153 Governors of States Article 155 Appointment of Governor by President
Article 159 Oath by Governor
Article 165 Advocate General of State
Article 168 Constitution of State Legislatures
Article 170 Composition of Legislative Assembly
Article 202 Annual Financial Statement State Relations
Article 214 High Court for State Article 226 Issue of certain writs by High Court
Article 231 High Court for two or more States
Article 243 (a) Gram Panchayat Gram Sabha
Article 243 (b) Constitution of Panchayat
Article 263 Related to Inter State Council Article 280 Finance Bill
Article 300 (a) Authority of law No person to be deprived of right to property
Article 312 Related to All India Services
Article 315 Public Service Commission for Union and State
Article 324 Related to Election Commission
Article 326 Right to future elections to the House of the People and the Legislative Assembly of the State
Article 338 National Commission for Scheduled Castes Article 338 (b) National Commission for Backward Classes
Article 343 Official Language of the Union
Article 352 National Emergency
Article 356 President’s Rule
Article 360 Financial Emergency
Article 368 Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution


Important Articles related to President of India.
Article 52 — The President of India

Article 53 — Executive Power of the Union

Article 54  — Election of President

Article 55 — Manner of election of President

Article 56 — Term of office of President

Article 57 — Eligibility for re-election

Article 58 — Qualifications for election as President

Article 59 — Conditions of President’s office

Article 60 — Oath or affirmation by the President

Article 61 — Procedure for impeachment of the President

Article 62 — Time of holding election to fill vacancy in the office of president and the term of office or person elected to fill casual vacancy

Article 70  — Discharge of President’s functions in other contingencies

Article 71 — Matters relating to, or connected with, the election of a President or Vice-President

Article 72 — Power of President to grant pardons, etc., and to suspend, remit or commute sentences in certain cases

Article 74 — Council of Ministers to aid and advise President

Article 75 — Other provisions as to Ministers

Article 87 — Special address by the President

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