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I was awarded by REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS ECOLE D’ARTS MARTIAUX DEL’EST for immense contribution in Social work at the 28th EURO -ASIA International WFSKO in presence of Grandmaster Harold Patient(x Superintendent of Police Mauritius) , Grand master Na Zih Fahmi shihabi(Saudi Arabia Na Zih Martaial Arts Dhahran Taekwondo center school),Sensai Abu Sayed (Chief Instructor KOI), Grand master Kenneth funakoshi (Japan), Grandmaster Shihan Manoj Unantenna(Srilanka), Sensai Selvan Govender (South Africa), Sensai Rathna Kumar(Srilanka)
Sensie Abdulla Hoseny (plstine Israiel), Sensai Nimal Kalupadana and Sendai Shihan Manoj Unantenn (Srilanka), Sensai Hanshi Hasan Md Ismail (WFSKO /8th KAI & 7 WKF India), thanks a lot this award has boost my confidence level to still work hard in future for the welfare of Society ,,,,Surya Narayan Gauda(Chairman Karate Organization of India and Vice president Mumbai Utkal English High school Kurla India)

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